What To Do When the Tired Sets In: Developing Healthier Sleep Habits

I know I am not the only one who feels like I am in a perpetual state of tiredness. I don’t know if it is parenthood, middle age, or just poor sleeping habits. Probably a combination of all of those things and more. But somehow, I get up everyday before 5:00 a.m. and trudge through the day, accomplishing what I can along the way. By about 7:00 p.m., I am completely done. Exhausted. Out of patience. Energy depleted. And ready for bed. And then, suddenly I am wide awake making a mental list of all the things I didn’t get done and need to attempt tomorrow. If you are like me and need ways to boost your energy to get you through the day, keep reading for some valuable tips that have helped me.

Adding insult to injury, I have struggled with sleep issues my entire life. I was a sleepwalker from the ages of 4 to 8, followed by the horrors of night terrors until well into my 20’s. This then led to a decade of insomnia which required sleep aids in order to get any rest. Add in some high blood pressure in my 40’s which requires medication that incorporates a diuretic, a seriously defective bladder (there is an actual hole in my bladder), and pre-menopausal symptoms, and my sleep cycle is tormented with frequent trips to the bathroom combined with night sweats and chills.

Exacerbating the situation, if you have read my last post, you will know that lack of sleep can also trigger manic episodes for me. This is to be avoided at all cost for me. So I do what I can to get enough sleep to maintain a functioning and healthy existence.

The scientists over at Casper have explored how the sleep surface can contribute to healthier sleeping habits, so I thought I’d share their tips alongside my own!

*This is not a sponsored post. I am just passionate about the importance of sleep and healthy sleeping habits as well as all around wellness.

You may be wondering, what does she do to maintain healthy sleep habits. If you are as exhausted as I am, you are probably still reading, so I am going to share some tips for improving your own sleep routine. First and foremost, I rely heavily on herbal sleep remedies like the THCa Flower and other cannabis products. THCa is particularly useful as it is THC-free unless it is heated, allowing the calming effects to come through without any risk of psychoactive effects. Plus, it is federally legal in the United States, allowing for it to be easily purchased in most areas. I have also transitioned away from psychopharmacological medications to marijuana derived products for the treatment of my anxiety and bipolar disorder with wonderful results. Treating anxiety definitely contributes to better sleep habits.

My biggest problem at this point in life is that I get so busy with parenting responsibilities, Army wife stresses, blogging obligations, and all the craziness that comes with recently launching a small business. So when it is time to unwind and go to sleep for the night, I have a tremendously difficult time turing off my brain. Pre-bedtime rituals have helped with this so much. We are very regimented in our house with bedtime routines for the kids and ourselves. When my husband is home, we spend about an hour after the kids are in bed watching light and fun television shows. When my husband is away, I force myself to turn off social media and I play a round or two of a brainless video game. This usually quickly sends me to the Land of Nod. Another technique that may ease your mind and help you drift off to sleep is sleep hypnosis which reduces brain activity while inducing deep relaxation to assist with sleep.

Noise is a huge issue for me at bedtime as well. I absolutely require white noise in order to sleep. There is always a fan on even in the dead of winter. Without it, I don’t know that I would ever fall asleep. I have (finally) learned to travel with a small fan or sound machine so that I can get appropriate sleep when I am not at home. But perhaps you require silence to sleep, then earplugs may be the way to go for you.

Even before I began experiencing the bliss of nighttime heat flashes, I slept much better in a cool environment. And now, I have to keep it like an ice box in my room at night. The thermostat is set at 62 and I sleep with the ceiling fan on, a small fan on my nightstand pointed directly at my face, and a cyclone fan blowing at my feet. My poor husband suffers from hypothermia on a nightly basis. Yet, he sleeps. As soon as his head hits the pillow…sleep.  #IAmSoJealous

Oftentimes, I get into bed feeling tired, then realize that I simply cannot sleep. Perhaps I am not as tired as I felt. In the past, I would force myself to stay in bed and that became sort of like torture. So I have learned that if I am in bed and I’m just not tired, I get up and do something. This has helped tremendously. I had a therapist teach me a long time ago that bed is for sleep and sex. If you are doing neither, get out of bed. Some of the best advice ever.  Reading a book at this point also helps.

Is anxiety what is keeping you awake? Meditation is a very effective solution. You can find lots of different videos and tutorials online for guided meditation.

Are you going to bed only to quickly awaken to the sound of your stomach growling? Don’t ignore your belly. Try having a light snack to silence those hunger pangs.

Do you ever get the Sunday blues? When I worked a regular 9-5 job, Sunday nights would stress me out so bad and I couldn’t sleep. It was a combination of returning to the work week after the weekend and staying out too late on weekend nights which led to sleeping in much too late in the morning. Sticking to the same sleep schedule even on the weekends is key for me.

Also, never underestimate the power of a comfortable bed! A few years ago, I invested in a memory foam topper with a 2 inch pillow top, some memory foam pillows, and one fabulous body pillow. Now my biggest struggle is finding sheets with 18 inch pockets to fit over the whole thing! There are a lot of options when it comes to choosing a comfortable mattress such as popular brands like Sleeping Duck. But if you are unsure about which brand is best for you, there is a sleeping duck alternative here. Just be sure to do your research before making any decisions so you can find the right mattress and pillows to help you sleep easier.

Actually, that’s a lie. My biggest struggle is the 5 year old who finds his way into my bed every night and seems to grow an additional 8 arms and legs that promptly end up in my face. If you have any tips to resolve the issue, I am open to suggestions.

Looking for more tips on healthier sleepier habits?  You check out Casper’s blog Pillow Talk.

Sleeping on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


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Shelbee on the Edge