Inspired by Random-osity: Peaceful Retreat

Tamar of Random-osity shared a post about the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., a few weeks ago. It was a short post with beautiful photographs of the cathedral both inside and out and it included very few words. But these words struck a chord and sent me deep within myself and searching the furthest recesses of my memory:

“[I]t’s a stunning architectural work that I found to be my peaceful retreat early in my college years. The second I entered the main chapel I sighed and felt at peace.”

*This is not a sponsored post.

And so the thought process began: When was the last time I had a peaceful retreat? A time or a place where I could completely clear my head of all the responsibilities of life, all the stresses of parenthood, all the mundane every day activities that tend to wear me down over time? It probably was during my college years.

Poncho: Target (Similar here and here).

I didn’t find my peace in a religious temple as Tamar did, but rather I sought retreat in the library. I loved to get lost in the stacks by myself, alone with my thoughts. I would browse through the shelves and shelves of books, seeking out the oldest and most battered of them. The smell inside the pages could transport me back in time and leave me wondering how many other students throughout the history of my university picked up this particular book and leafed through its fragile pages. Did they have the same wonderment as I? Would future generations of students continue to be intrigued by the dusty scent of nostalgia that permeated the rows and stuck in the old wooden floorboards?

Jeans: Torrid Premium Ultimate Stretch Jeggings – Medium Wash from Torrid Salmon Run Mall.

I haven’t been to an antique library like this in over two decades. It didn’t really bother me or even occur to me really until I read Tamar’s post. I don’t even know if there is such a library where I live now. But as I sit here writing this post, I am hearing the call of those ancient pages beckoning me to visit, to seek out solitude and philosophical wonderings, to find a peaceful retreat…even if it is just for a brief moment.

Shoes: Charlotte Russe (Similar here and here).

In the meanwhile, until I can get to a place to like that, I will look for harmony all around me and within me. Sometimes, I find a spot right in front of me that offers that oneness with nature that we inherently crave as human beings. And when I do discover such a place, I am compelled to capture it in photographic form.

I want to thank Tamar for inspiring me and giving my creative thought the little jumpstart it needed. Without this community of amazing bloggers who continue to inspire each other daily with what they share, none of us would continue on this blogging journey. So I owe you all a huge gesture of gratitude for keeping me going!

Where do you find your peaceful retreat? And what keeps you inspired?

Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Stay tuned this Friday for my article “The Midlife Sex Conundrum” which will be appearing in the Autumn issue of Resilientista Magazine. There is also an amazing line up of many more wonderful articles to help you live your best life!

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I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


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